The app is designed for record keeping and to provide critical information for you to take “informed decisions” from the data you record about your farm.All users would get free credits to use for the first 100 days to understand the features and benefits of My Dairy Farm App. Users can continue using the paid version after 100 days.Features and benefitsAbility to record individual milk production, expenses and feeds, breeding, health etc., the app uses this data to analyse and report as summary for the users decision making process.Milking Summary to cover about the days in milk for every cow and group in early, mid and late lactation. The user would get number and percentage of cows in each stage of lactation along with the days in milk (DIM) for the entire farm.Breeding Summary covers number and percentage of animals in fresh, open, bred, pregnant and dry status. This would help the user to focus on improving reproductive parameters.Expense Summary would give the user an idea about the profit and loss status of the farm.“Exclusive Access” to the farm consultants to have an eye on the performance of the farm.Special Score Card is designed for the breeding and dairy farming goals to be measured against global standards. The user can share this with their vet consultant so that they can design special action plan to overcome critical issues.Alerts section gives user alerts about animals in heat, due for AI, due for dry off, due for pregnancy check and a list of problem breeders.Added with the features like Nutritive values of feeds and fodder, Calving calculator to get the details of expected calving date, target date for dry off.